#Talking3R Science Webinar (hosted by the 3R-Network Baden-Württemberg)

“IN VITRO MODELING OF PARKINSON’S DISEASE WITH PATIENT-SPECIFIC MIDBRAIN ORGANOIDS” Jens Schwamborn (University of Luxembourg) "In vitro Modeling of Parkinson’s Disease with Patient-Specific Midbrain Organoids" The development of the human brain unfolds through highly coordinated spatial and temporal processes. The limited availability of human brain tissue and the translational shortcomings of animal models have long constrained investigations into neurodevelopment and the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases. Recent advances in brain organoid technology offer a means to overcome these limitations by enabling the study of human-specific developmental trajectories and disease mechanisms in vitro. In this #Talking3RScience Webinar, Jens Schwamborn, Professor in Cellular and Developmental Biology at the University of Luxembourg, examines the extent to which midbrain organoids can serve as models for Parkinson’s disease, with particular emphasis on their ability to recapitulate key pathological hallmarks. Also, the suitability for using these models for drug discovery will be addressed. He critically assesses their current limitations and proposes directions for future refinement, with the aim of advancing organoid-based approaches toward next-generation, patient-specific therapeutic strategies for Parkinson’s disease and related disorders. Date: April 24, 2025 Time: 5–6 PM CEST Free Registration: https://bit.ly/Talking3R-Apr25

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