STEMCELL Technologies GmbH

50933 Köln

Spezialisierung „R“: Refine, Replace
Arbeitsfelder: Wissenschaft, Industrie, Vertrieb
Themenkomplexe: klinische Forschung, Grundlagenforschung, Ausbildung/Lehre, Methodenentwicklung, Anwendungsorientierte Forschung
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STEMCELL Technologies provides high-quality cell culture media, cell separation technologies, instruments, accessory products, and educational resources to scientists around the world working on stem cell, immunology, cancer, regenerative medicine, and cellular therapy research. At STEMCELL, we are dedicated to improving lives through advanced knowledge and scientific discovery, through our commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion in STEM and the life sciences industry, and through our investments in sustainability, community, and social responsibility. Rooted in scientific expertise and rigor, we are a company of Scientists Helping Scientists, and we care deeply about making the world a better place. STMECELL Technologies specializes in reproducible cell culture media for organoid generation as well as iPSC culture and differentiation, which are more and more used as an alternative to animal models.

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