TissUse GmbH

13347 Berlin

Spezialisierung „R“: Reduce, Replace
Arbeitsfelder: Wissenschaft, Industrie
Themenkomplexe: Sicherheits- und Unbedenklichkeitsprüfung, Methodenentwicklung, Anwendungsorientierte Forschung, Toxikologie
Link zur Website: www.tissuse.com

TissUse has been the pioneering force in the field of multi-organ-chip technology, driving innovation since 2010. Our commercially available HUMIMIC Multi-Organ-Chips offer a unique opportunity to model the complexities of human organs and their interactions. By leveraging our cutting-edge technology, you can make informed decisions during the drug development process. Predict toxicity and efficacy, and evaluate ADME profiles in vitro, all while reducing the dependence on animal testing and streamlining clinical trials. Trusted by academic and industry leaders, TissUse empowers you to obtain comprehensive safety and efficacy data, revolutionizing the future of research.

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